The machinery of Homœopathy!

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The machinery of Homœopathy!

Post posted by VED »

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The machinery of Homœopathy!


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Post posted by VED »

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There is no doubt that Homœopathy holds the right routes to understanding the codes that design and maintain body & life structure.

However, Homœopathy bears the problem of not being designed and developed by native-English speakers.

The following is the conversation that I had on the site with regard to the machinery of Homœopathy. The conversation had initiated in a most disinterested manner. However what spurred me to continue it were the responses of David Kroll and jgc56 to my comments.

I am grateful to both of them for having spurred me to write these words. When I took time to read the whole length of the conversation, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had written so much. I decided to bring it out as a digital book. Only my side of the conversation is given in this digital book, due to copyright reasons.

Persons who are interested in seeing the context of the responses are requested to see the conversation on However, it is seen that a major part of the conversation are not visible on the as of now.

I have mentioned a few of my books in this conversation. They are listed below.

Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post posted by VED »

1 #. First comment

The contention that there is absolutely no cure for Ebola might be too far-fetched considering that Homœopathy is not being discussed.

Some wise guys who run Wikipedia have written very prominently that Homœopathy is quackery. However, there are persons who do get huge amounts of health benefit from such ‘quackery’.

Even now it would be quite wise, and a deed of great responsibility to try out Homœopathy based preventive medicines. In fact, the expense of distributing this might not be expensive at all.

Only thick-heads running the show would refrain from discussing Homœopathy at this juncture.
Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post posted by VED »

2 #. Reply to David Kroll

I do not exactly understand the meaning of the word ‘trolling’. As to defining my words as some kind of personal benefit programme should be considered by me as an insult.

As to knowing the vastness of information that gets filtered when entering English language, consider the fact that even words from most Asian / African language do have terrific power to even change the looks and physical designs of a person. Can’t say more in this brief comment box.

Homœopathy does not work on placebo effect. The only problem is that modern science doesn’t have the tools to understand on what Homœopathy works. The situation is akin to a clock mechanic trying to understand how a computer or mobile phone works, without knowing about software.

Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post posted by VED »

3 #. Reply to jgc56

I was not aware of you post. So, I couldn’t reply.

I write from my location of an independent researcher on various themes which might seem quite exotic to various academic scholars. The themes I deal up are codes in languages, codes that control reality and some others that do not merit mention here.

In the course of my observations on Codes that control reality (codes of reality), I could extend the idea to a software design and control over human body and brain. It is not possible to discuss the complete theme here, as it would be as difficult to explain classical mechanics in this small space. Even if it is tried, the ultimate question of where is the rope that pulls (gravitation) would still remain unanswered.

Homœopathy does not work on any drug, but more or less visualises human body as a software entity. Diseases as well as disease causing germs are just the design view of reality codes. Homœopathy just views a disease as a particular condition of the human body, which might be off normal. A slight code value correction might bring body back to normalcy.

However, it might be mentioned in passing that the brain software is also quite a powerful mechanism, and hence the mental or emotional state can be used to gauge the software balance/imbalance.

Since, I can’t put in more words here, I can simply say that if you open a picture in Adobe Photoshop, you can edit it using the edit tools. However, there is another arena where a more finer editing can be done, if you know it. It is at the code view area. [You can see both design as well as code view in Adobe Dreamweaver.]

I have experimented with Homœopathy in close association with my contentions. It does work, but my knowledge is limited about the exact way it works. Some intelligent level of research might help. As a beginning try Homœopathy in Ebola, wherein Allopath drugs have more or less laid down their arms. At best there is no harm.

As to my contention about filtered information in English, there are much items of information in non-English languages, there are quite intelligently filtered out from purview. Yet, no one has been able to sense this. That much for academic research and knowledge.

Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post posted by VED »

4 #. Reply to jgc56

It is just a feeling that I do not have any evidence to offer. For, as I mentioned, there is no way to describe something totally unknown to you in a comment box here.

For your information, there are quite powerful codes even in human languages. In fact, words in Asian languages can affect human design in a manner which might even compete with genetic codes.

As to producing evidence here, in this comment box, it might be like explaining software to a man who doesn’t know anything about it.

If you are interested, you can browse through these books, written some years back, all available for free download on archive dot org.

1. Codes of reality! What is language?

2. Shrouded Satanism in feudal languages

3. Software codes of Reality, Life and Languages!

As to Homœopathy having effects beyond placebo, you may please note that you are reading the words of a person whose family has consistently used it for years, and whose children very rarely used allopath medicines since birth. Moreover the family dog also has been treated with Homœopathy. If placebo can do so much, then placebo itself should be a great treatment technique.

All I mentioned was: Try Homœopathy for ebola. If it works, well and good. If not, there is nothing lost. Why should that worry anyone? There is no scam or money involved. In fact, it will cost next to nothing, in terms of drug cost.

Since you seemed to have made fun of my: ‘lengthy word-salad post referring to ‘Codes which control reality’ and “Homœopathy more or less visualises human body as a software entity’ etc’ posts, I need to place here the fact that I just noticed a news online about : Direct Brain-To-Brain Communication Used in Humans’.

If this is true, it is only a continuation or substantiation of my contentions.

Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post posted by VED »

5 #. Reply to jgc56

My retort was to this: QUOTE: We currently have no agents – drug, dietary supplement, herbal supplement – that can either prevent Ebola virus infection or shorten the course of the infection once it occurs. END of QUOTE

My position is that if any reader comes across a situation wherein he or she is acquainted with someone who has a Ebola, Try Homœopathy.

I have not tried Homœopathy on any Ebola patient. However, if I do come across a situation wherein I come across an Ebola patient, I wouldn’t mention what I quoted here, but would simply use the words: ‘Try Homœopathy’.

I am sure you will also do the same, in a like-wise situation.

Further, I do understand that this article is about being misled by Scams. However, when situations go desperate, people will go in search of all kinds of remedies. Even though currently one might laugh when one hear of people in Africa trying out faith healing, Vodoo, Mantra etc., if a similar situation were to rise in the US, all these things would be used with much more ferocity. I wouldn’t laugh at any of these gestures. It is just human experience and experimentation.

Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post posted by VED »

6 #. Reply to jgc56

I should not be insulting to you. However, the fact is that there are certain information that have traditionally eluded native-English speakers. (I do not know if you are native- English). And this does not really concern Homœopathy, but the power of feudal languages. This I mention, just because you said:

QUOTE: everything we know about chemistry, biology, physiology, pathology, medicine, etc., END of QUOTE.

This particular power doesn’t come in any of the subjects you mentioned. This I mention just to point to certain deficiencies in modern sciences, including that of Mental sciences.

As to people going in for Magic cures, I simply said that even in GB as well US and other English nations, despite their faith in textbook sciences, people would still run after these cures, if there is nothing else to help them. Even the anecdotal straw. I just mention this in connection with the general attitude of the ‘laughable-ness’ of such action. And they are not financial Scams.

As to whether Mantra has any affect on human beings has to be investigated. It might be a power akin to inserting a USB into a computer and the computer goes hung. What happened? Surely you cannot explain a virus software in terms of any scientific subjects like Physics, Chemistry etc.

As to Homœopathy, I am sure you will also try it, if you face a situation wherein someone you know needs a cure for Ebola. May be I should insist that it might work. I hope my attitude of assurance helps, someone.

Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post posted by VED »

7 #. Reply to jgc56

Even though you have just asked a series of questions, it may not be possible to write a huge dissertation on them in reply in a comment box.

However, let try if brevity can do the trick.

As to what is unknown to native-English speakers is the fact that English is a planar language, while most other languages can be categorised (for the sake of simple defining) as feudal. For getting a wider version of this sentence, could you please read the foreword to: March of the evil empires. There is no need to read the insides, for it is a book drafted in 1989.

You may also note the contention that language is a software with varied powers, (as mentioned in that book).

The power in words is so much that they can even design or redesign human looks and personality features. If you ask me to produce the proof here, in this comment box, it might not be possible. However, I have solid evidence with me to substantiate what I am contending.

I will leave out the Magic cures and Scams part discussion. For it could take the discussion to an oblique direction, right out the issue of the powers in language, and what native-Englishmen cannot understand.

I am doing a series of post on TelegraphUK on this theme. You can find it on by searching for: What is different about English? [Chapter 1] of

If you could move through path of Chapters, 2, 3, 4…, you might get to see what I am trying convey.

Now, let me try to tackle the issue of what science cannot explain. Well, the issue is that Science can explain everything if everything in this world is accepted as Science. If Spirituality is also real, then it is also science.

Let us look at this like this:

An Asian female landlady says to her maid: ‘Come here’. And the maid moves towards her.

The Asian female landlady says to her maid: ‘Go there’. And the maid moves in another direction, heeding the command.

Now, from a very basic conceptualisation of the power in the words, it can be seen that by changing the words, different actions can be had. Now, you might say that the maid understood the meaning of the words and used her will power to do what was asked. Now, in computer software programming at the operator interface level, it is words that are written to create software. Simple words, numbers, other values can create powerful actions.

You would say that Computer Science can explain the actions. Well, not at the computer operator or software writers’ level.

However, if one were to go down each level, like from Software applications, then their coding, then machine language, then binary codes, and then to computer hardware architecture, then the disk, the speed of the disk, the reading needle, electrical impulses and much more, one might be able to understand what is the exact action a single change of number from say 7 to 20 can make at the huge depth in the computer working.

I do not know much about how the computers actually work. Since I do not know at what point the lifeless material of the harddisk and allied accessories start exhibiting intelligence, I cannot speak from this area much more. I am not sure if such information is available even in computer science teaching highly acclaimed colleges and universities. For they will mostly be trade secrets with heavy commercial value.

Now coming back to the Landlady’s command to the maid: If one were to move down the corridors of human design architectures, down deep into the depths, one might be able to see the various hardware and software mechanism that work in unison to create a functioning bio-mechanism as well as intelligence. In fact, it might be quite reasonable to mention that not billions, but literally trillions upon trillions of codes will be working behind the scenes to run a human body and intelligence.

I do not think that you would really believe that human intelligence is the result of mere electro-chemical reactions. That the millions of thoughts I have, and the recording and retrieval facility of my mind is due to mere chemical reactions. A more plausible logic would be to contemplate upon something akin to a software mechanism, in which something akin to words might also have some say.

Beyond this, might it be correct to say that software (not the hardware) is not really a material substance as one might visualise the four states of matter. In which case, it is a fifth state, or possible not matter at all. That the words: ‘Come here’, ‘Go there’, are not from the four states of matter.

Now, let me take your mention of the ‘Mental Sciences’. You may have noted that I mentioned the word ‘Asian’ with regard to the landlady. There is a specific reason for that:

She says: ‘Come here’. Or ‘Go there’. She can also say: ‘You come here’. Or ‘You go there’. Well, in most Asian languages (not Arabic), the word You has different words. Which can create heights or depths, for both the landlady as well as for the maid.

It is a phenomenon not imaginable in English. At the very minimum, it does affect the mind in ways not possible in English. Modern psychology as well as psychiatry does not seem to have any idea about this. The triggers that created many human violence can directly be explained from this software location in human communication. (You need not have to go to the depths of the mechanism, to see the trigger codes).

Now about Homœopathy just being Water and Sugar. The fact is that words do have power. This power of words cannot be measured by scales used in physics or chemistry. Or using a weighing balance, measuring tape or by a liquid volume measuring gadget. Beyond that if material objects do have software background to them, then there are many things that can get encrypted into them. For instance, route, direction etc.

For instance, look at this:

In a nation like India, a government peon gets appointed as a clerk. A senior IAS (royalty of the Indian administration) ‘officer’ loses his job. Later he gets appointed as a clerk. Both the peon as well as the IAS ‘officer’ is now equal. When you see them in their office, they look like two individuals of the same physical features. However, both react to the same feudal language words differently. The same words of address would have different affect on the different persons: For the peon-turned-clerk it might be respect, admiration, homage etc. For the IAS-turned-clerk, the same words would have the effect of a hammering on the head.

Well, I used ordinary worldly sample to explain the concept. However, to deal with the issue at a more profound level, it might not possible here. As it is, the word count has exceeded 1100.

In Homœopathy, even though you mention the drug as mere Water and Sugar, each different drug has arrived through a different route. Wherein different software values have been added. These might be the route to correct value/code changes in the software mechanism that designs and maintains the human body and intelligence. I am not sure how Homeopaths see the working of their medicines. I have seen that some to them have been quite baffled by the quite focused effect of their drugs.

As to I being wrong about the so-many things that I write, well, everything is possible. Even Sir. Isaac Newton’s ‘rope that pulls’ in gravitation, still remains in the domain of his pet occultism. However, may be his work in the field of occultism may have been his attempt to decipher the software codes that define even his Laws of motion. A change in values in the virtual software codes might change the values in his equations.

Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post posted by VED »

8 #. Reply to jgc56

What you are asking of me is to display the machinery of Homœopathy. However, I must place on record that I am not a Homeopath, nor can I claim to know what the exact machinery by which Homœopathy works is. If I were to know it, I think I could very well be one of the greatest geniuses alive now. For, it would literally be a knowledge that would reach beyond everything that is currently known.

My arrival at the possibility of Homœopathy was by a different route. Starting from the point of seeing the difference between planar languages (ex. English) and feudal languages (Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam &c.)

Then noting the varying affects of words in the varying languages.

Then observing the affects of words at distances. On human body design, mental triggers etc.

Like that it went on till when I wrote my first book on this March of the evil empires. At that time, I had a slight feeling that there is something more to this.

However, I had not much of a concept of a software basis for human body or reality. In fact, in the year 1989, when the book was first drafted in a very small form, I did not know what a software application was. Even though I had seen one primary level computer in 1987.

In this book, looking back, I find it quite curious that I had written a last chapter titled. Generalisations. With Subheading: Mental Effects, including telepathic effects. If you read this last part, you will understand the next step my mind took.

At some point, I had feeling that if the human body did indeed have some kind of a software background, then human diseases could be visualised as a mere software code change. In which case, a medical system based on a software code correction can indeed be developed. Since my knowledge was quite limited, there was no point in me trying to develop a medical system based on this.

At one point in my life, at around 2002, I came into close contact with Homœopathy. The explanation given by the Homeopath with regard to the working of the Homœopathy did not impress me much. However at some other point in time, I simply had a feeling that this system of medicine might be the one that I had conceptualised on.

I have used Homœopathy much since, more or less observing the reaction it had on me. I think none of my family immediate family members have taken much allopath medicines since. I have seen various kinds of reactions to the ‘medicines’. There are affects. No always as predicted. At times no affect. In which case, a re-investigation into the various physical and mental signs and triggers would have to be taken. The investigation is not like what is done in an allopath investigation. In fact, I have found that the disease is not what is being focused upon, but on other dispositions that might give some indication as to where the code value has changed.

Let me stop that part here.

Let me look at the virus. It is something conceptualised as a non-living as well as living being.

From the software version of the concept, it is a just a software code. Like, you take an image. You open it on Adobe Photoshop. You see an image. You open the same file with Notepad, you might see codes. . If you can make some changes into its codes, the image will get altered, or even dead. I do not know more about this.

However, simply imagine that you can visualise the virus as a software code. Enter a code value change, and the virus is inactivated.

Next: I have done a few observations on what human mind can do. Like, on other human minds. It is possible to connect to other human minds. However, it might be most unwise to post my experiments and observations here. For, it might have the tone of hacking into other people’s mind processes. Can have criminal overtones.

Last, the proof of the pudding is certainly in the eating.

If anyone can test it out, it is the best. I would suggest that Homœopathy might be able to cure a person, in whom Rabies infection has come out. That is on a person in whom the vital signs of imminent death have appeared. I do not know much about Rabies. However, I understand that in Rabies death, no signs of brain damage are visible. That should mean that it is a death caused by software error. A simple correction of a code value at a very vital area would be enough to cure the disease.

Beyond this point, I think I can’t go on. My contentions are there in my varied writings. However, you might find it quite difficult to sift through them for Homœopathy alone. For, they are mixed up various other discussions on things that make up the world, people, populations, social codes and much else. In fact, Homœopathy is not the topic of my research area. It is just a frill item that sprung from the other discussions.

However, suppose that there is a software basis for human body, human brain, reality etc. how do one go about proving it?

Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post posted by VED »

9 #. Reply to jgc56

I did not get time to answer. I get the feeling that you are in for some kind of personal competition. I must admit that it is not possible for me to force myself to compete with anyone. I am trying to place ideas which can be followed upon, if you do feel like it. Whether you do it or not is up to you.

You are trying to pick holes in my arguments. If you seek the holes, you might find them. If you try for substance, then it is possible to find something worthwhile.

However, whatever is mentioned you would try to go back to the clockwork of picking on words. It does not disconcert me. I have mentioned a lot of possible ways to check the contentions. If anyone does it, we can move forward from that.

As to me being liable to produce evidence on this comment box, I do not accept that contention. For, if anyone mentions that allopathy works, he or she need not be forced to produce the whole proof therein. Others can follow up the ideas and check their veracity, if they are in need.

Basically the problem with conversing here is the same that Newton also faced. His theory of gravitation was incessantly attacked with the words, ‘Where is the rope that pulls?’ Even now, no one has exactly seen or detected this ‘rope’. However, other persons have continued in the direction of the arguments and derived beneficial information.

However, thinking of the possibility that some others might take up the query, I will put in some more time into this direction of thinking.

You think of two similar objects moving in opposite directions. At one single moment, they cross each other. If you visualise a momentary image of them, what you see is two similar objects standing still in space. However, if you get to see the virtual code that creates these objects, you will see that both of them have different values connected to their direction of movement. (I am not thinking of the vector component in Classical Mechanics). This I mention in connection to the Peon-to-Clerk allusion. And also with regard to your contention that all Homœopathy drugs are same, and consists of only Sugar & water, diluted beyond the existence of any drug.

I am giving here a javascript code used in Acrobat.

var title = this.getField(“title”);
if (this.getField(“showTitle”).value == “Off”)
title.display = display.hidden;
title.display = display.visible;

This has no meaning in an MS Word file. However, if you use it in an appropriate location in an Acrobat file, it becomes a very powerful machine that can do certain things inside that file. I have no idea how this codes work. However, it works.

Now, how do you propose to use the Avogadro number concept into this?

For instance, if I use a particular code to get a software which had stalled to run, what kind of a drug is that, which has cured the problem?

If Homœopathy is working on a similar (not same) principle, how do you manage to prove it, or to disprove it? Using all the logic that you have mentioned, including the Avogadro number as well as Sugar and water module, there is no way to approach the machine that worked.

To understand how the Javascript worked, you must need to know how the Acrobat application is made or what moves it. As to the human body, modern science as of now has no idea as to how the trillions and trillions of minute elements work in unison towards common goals. How brain works, records events, retrieves information in the form of memory, has emotions &c.

Now, let me state this also: I may not be able to prove what I contend in this comment box, or by using the infrastructure that I have. However, there are plenty of people who have the infrastructure to check it out. This goes for Ebola, Rabies and others. Your arguments, though doubtlessly correct, might not be tenable or useable in the context of what I am contending. If you go on imagining ‘frosted chocolate donut’ after all these arguments, what is to be done? May be you should continue thinking about the ‘frosted chocolate donut’.

It may be known to you that Homœopathy is a four year Medical course in many nations. Well, it is my feeling that only around one year is needed to study the subject at its current level of development. However, in a manner similar to having a four course in Software Engineering, Homœopathy degree course is four years.

The essentials of Software Engineering study does require only one year at the most. In fact, most of the people who went to the US from third world nations had only around 3 to 6 months course in C++ &c. The persons who go in for Homœopathy medical course are generally (not always) those who fail to get a seat in an allopathy Medical college.

That remains the main defect for Homœopathy. However, in my own opinion, there is no need for a compulsory medical course to practise this art. In the same way that it is not necessary that a person should have a software engineering degree to work with software.

I mention this to say that there are people to whom Homœopathy is a genuine and effective medical system. While to others it is pure quackery. If you propose that all persons who use Homœopathy are being fooled by its placebo effect, it might just be an opinion of yours, about other’s intellectual capacity.

However, I am of the opinion that Homœopathy does require a lot of dedicated research to make it a powerful system. At the moment, it is a means of livelihood for many persons (just as is allopath medicine and psychology & psychiatry), not all of whom may be quite interested in knowing or using its exact capacities. I have come across Homeopaths who do give blank tablets along with Homœopathy drugs to increase the number of ‘medicines’ as a technique to charge more. In most cases, Homœopathy treatment can be done with the minimal of dosages.

As to the effects of Homœopathy drugs not been as expected, need not be explained away in the way one would explain Allopath drugs. In that, Homœopathy drugs, as I perceive them are not drugs in the same way one conceptualises Allopath drugs. I understand the Homœopathy does not conceptualise on a ‘disease’ concept. Instead, an illness is seen as a condition or state of the human or animal body. The features of this change in state or condition is tried to be understood by enquiring upon the effects it has had on various personal dispositions and mental feelings.

Beyond that I understand that human beings are differentiated as per some other larger definitions. I think it is mentioned as Constitution. These things help in finding the exact ways to rectify a defect.

In the case of a computer also, when a technician tries to rectify it, there are basic queries that he makes with regard to its Processor, Operating System, RAM, and many other things, before embarking on rectifying certain issues.

Homœopathy has a concept of Vital Force, which can be loosely identified with the Operating System of the computer. However, human body and our current level of computer technology need not be equated. Both are astronomical distances apart, in terms of technical sophistication.

As to the information you gave about Viral RNA &c., basically even when one corrects a computer issue for software problems, many vestigial remnants of the software codes can still be detected in various locations. In fact, from a Hard-disk, one can pull out even deleted files.

As to finding the solid body of evidences for the ‘software basis for human body, human brain’, may be someone would do that in the future.

Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post posted by VED »

10 #. Reply to jgc56

Even though I saw your reply immediately, I thought of giving it some time to reply, for I suspected a long haul. For, it is a just a conversation that more or less leads to a cul-de-sac. However, in the same sense that a chess game is interesting because of the strange rousing effect, slightly akin to sensual stirring, it has on the brain as one tries to outdo the other’s move and find a breach in his or her defences, but which has not much more use other than that, other than improving one’s capability in playing chess and may be chess alone, I will continue the conversation.

Ebola is spreading through the West African nations. There may or may not be deeper lessons and cautions in this with regard to the irresponsible exponential explosion in human populations, in these and similar regions. However, from a medical point of view, it might be good to try out all avenues, to check this.

I am not a scholar in Homeopathic medical systems. However, I do feel that I have a bit of scholarly profundity in certain other themes, which at the moment are not known to be subjects of academic interests. During my thought processes, I have come across many other items which might be relooked from my perspectives.

One such is Homœopathy. I do not know what is the basis on which Homœopathy has been built upon. Since I had used the contention of ‘virtual software’ and a ‘virtual arena’, it is quite possible that Samuel Hahnemann would not have used such terms.

For, in his period, there was no such concept. I think even Sir Isaac Newton did face this difficulty as he tried to dabble in occultism to find deeper truths. So it is possible that the Homœopathy’s ‘Laws of Similars and Infinitessimals’ might be an approximation of a much wider truth. Laughing this off, might not be apt. For, science has made use of some many hypotheses, which had to be improved upon as information improved.

In fact, there need be no contention that everything about Homœopathy has been discovered. In fact, I would say that Homœopathy might simply be one door to another view of the functioning of the universe and reality. More studies might need to be taken up on this route.

Basically, the feeling that only material objects can create a force or effect is wrong. I have proved that words in human languages can compete with the capacity of genes and chromosomes to create genetic changes, to the extent of off-springs changing their very physical appearances by means of long-term impact of words in human languages.

It is not very difficult to see this. Just see the difference in looks of feudal-language- Asian children born in English nations, brought up in English ambience, from their parents’ who had been born and bred in their native feudal language nations. Even though it might be simply explained away as the effect of good food in English nations, it is not true. For, I have been able to more or less create similar effects sitting in a feudal language nation. Facing demeanour change is not due to change of food, but due to something more deeper.

Water remembering’ is where the issue goes into the realm of a virtual software. As I mentioned earlier, there is no means to weigh software code, virtual or otherwise.

As to the ‘apple’ that falls down, it is not what I was alluding to when I spoke of the ‘rope’ that pulls. Apple will fall down. That is true. However, what is it that pulls it down, is the non-tangible item. I am of the opinion that this ‘rope’, which has still not been detected, could be detected, touched, reinforced, reversed and thus manipulated, if one could approach the scene through a virtual software approach.

As to the whole lot of Homœopathy-teaching colleges doling out phony ideas on medical treatment, is at best only the opinion of those who do not agree to this idea. The other side sees it as real, probable and possible.

As to I being liable to produce the entire lot of evidences to prove the genuineness of Homœopathy, might not be acceptable. It would be like asking Newton to prove the whole of Physics, both classical as well as modern, when he mentioned the concept of ‘gravitation’. I have placed my wider contentions.

As to the proving of Homœopathy by means that I have mentioned, that of treating ‘end stage rabies patients’, you mention that it is not possible because ‘ethical review board to grant approval’ is not possible. However, if untested drugs can be given to Ebola patients, I do not find anything unethical in allowing Homœopathy to try to save such patients. I hope it is understood that I did not suggest that anyone should be artificially infected with Rabies to do this test. There are people dying of Rabies even now in various parts of the world. It would be quite a human decision to try a possible way to save them. At least to test out this contention.

However, there is actually no need to go that far. Try Homœopathy in such minor issues such as a tooth pain or menstrual pain alleviation.

I have seen its fabulous effects. In fact, in a case connected to menstrual pain, I have had the occasion once to be witness to a person once having immediate relief. And the same patient at another occasion calling to the Homeopath and saying that the same relief had not recurred on a subsequent occasion using the same dose. At that time, the Homoeopath came and took cognisance of certain changes in the individual’s physical dispositions. A different Homeopathic dose was given, and the speed of pain alleviation was phenomenal.

You mention that

QUOTE: “How brain works, records events, retrieves information in the form of memory, has emotions &c.”

Again: not understood completely but not entirely misunderstood. END of QUOTE.

I should suggest that in terms of what is unknown, what is known is quite infinitesimal, about brain work. In which case, a further suggestion that most claims of modern psychiatry and psychology are perfect quackery, can be made. And their treatment procedures, quite criminal and foolhardy means of livelihood of quacks. I understand that Homœopathy is a better option to try out in cases of mental trauma. And in many cases, verbal ambiance change can also do wonders.

As to what is missed in English, I can suggest by this simple means.

See these words:

Give him a glass of water”.
Give him a plate of fried chicken”.

In English, it is quite obvious that the second statement is a better one, in terms of being hospitable. However, in many feudal languages, the first can be made fantastic words of homage, hospitality, honouring, lending of leadership, and a total welcome to the feasting; and the second sentence, a total degradation of the individual. How do I explain this to you, in English?

I have not said that ‘actual physiologic states’ are ‘just the design view of reality codes’. I have mentioned the possibility of the existence of something akin to a ‘virtual arena’, which might be designed and maintained by a ‘virtual software codes’. Diseases could be visualised as mere errors in the ‘virtual software codes of the human body’.

You ask:

QUOTE: What evidence suggests that such a virtual code exists, and that it is capable of creating physical objects? END of QUOTE.

I think that modern science in its times of infancy did make use of various hypothesis to explain physical observations. For example, the Wave theory of light. At that time, no one had seen any ‘waves’ of light. However, various physical observations were explained by this. And it did lead to a better understanding of light, even though later, this explanation had to be improved to a higher approximation of reality. I do not know if anyone has actually seen a light wave, as of now.

I do not think that there is anything wrong in taking up this ‘virtual software arena’ concept for conceptualising on reality, human body, mental processes etc. For, it might be a more probable explanation to explain the working of reality &c. For, there is no other probable model to explain the working of an infinite number of items, each one of them having very specific physical as well as other undetected attributes. I do really suspect that there are many researchers actually working on this model, in seclusion or in some high technical labs.

Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 4734
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:32 am


Post posted by VED »

11 #. Reply to jgc56

I think it is a bit late in the day for the US to ponder on Ebola treatment from a purely hypothetical mood. Ebola has entered the US. Prevention would have been much better than cure.

I would like to mention that many of my comments on various US media sites asking for a complete cordoning of affected African states were removed, for the seeming rank rascality it seemed to suggest.

I think I had contented that not only human diseases, but even human languages are part of a software apparatus. So, I would suggest that the US is infected not only by the Ebola virus, but even by viruses in human languages. In some media sites, I had hinted, at least a month back, that current-day healthcare systems in English nations are error prone in critical moments, due to the presence of feudal languages speakers amongst them. And would not be able to deal effectively with an Ebola strike. The social system is also infected.

These languages do have virus codes that hinder smooth flow of information, and can create certain exotic emotions that are not inherent in pristine English. And akin to biological viruses, these viruses can infect all persons, even native-English speakers when they are in close proximity to feudal language virus carriers. And create minor omissions with astronomical implications.

The possibility of the various system collapses in the US has been mentioned in my writing titled: ‘March of the Evil Empires; English versus the feudal languages'. The situation is a similar to the BP Oil leak in the off-shore seas. SEE: A candid view of the uncanny outside [Part 1]

My cautions were removed by media sites with an implied sense that the writings were some kind of racist, hate speech. However the fact that I am not white should have acted as a spoiler for this accusation. However, it did not. It more or less should hint to the fact that currently all English nations’ collective intelligence have gone into some kind of leashing, that no intellectual idea can be discussed over there, unless they pass a skin-colour test.

Since Ebola has entered the US, due to a very fantastic combination of historical events, (I can’t even mention more here, due to the possibility that it might be branded as ‘hate speech’), it might be time to think of preventing the disease from spreading. Homœopathy has preventive ‘medicines’. I understand that these preventive medicines can be formulated on the basis of the common symptoms of Ebola seen in the infected person in the US.

QUOTE: It would be unreasonable and a waste of limited resources END of QUOTE.

I think that distributing Homoeopathic preventive medicines would be the cheapest solution to face the emerging situation. This would help, if the political machine is ready to treat the issue of Ebola infection on par with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. I do not think that is any more need of any ‘pontificating’ from my side. There will be massive use of Homeopathic preventive drugs in the US, by the people.

QUOTE: Citation needed: describe the experimental proof demonstrating spoken language can cause changes in the genetic content or expression. END of QUOTE

I can give proof from my own experiments in this regard. I have brought up my children in a perfect English ambience as much as possible. To the extent that they have not even seen a vernacular film or spoken any vernacular word in its native ambience. In the case of my first child, I could manage this till there were massive police complaints by the local, uneducated-in-English communist party workers, and she had to be admitted into the local English medium school at age nine, in class 5.

The local government schools are generally manned by totally abysmal standards teachers. Since the English medium school more or less shifted to a pro-English mood after the admitting of my daughter, she was not too much affected by the feudal codes in the vernacular. No one spoke to her in the vernacular. However, the effect of the jarring layout in the postulated virtual arena created by the all-encompassing ambience of the local vernacular did bring in powerful shifts in the individual’s (my daughter’s) demeanour.

I have discussed this part in my book on the subject: ‘Codes of Reality; What is language?’ In case, you are interested, you can see the book on archive dot org, and read Part 2: Proof. However, the books I mentioned here are all old writings.

My daughter’s intellectual capacity has been quite high. This is also a general effect of using a clutter-free language software for thinking and brain-work. In fact, not only the US, but any nation that stands on the platform of a pristine English communication social system will show enhanced intellectual capacity, which need not be innate, but merely the effect of the elevated platform.

QUOTE: Hahnemann recommended banging the vessel against a bible END of QUOTE

I do not know anything about this. A cursory online search did not yield any links to this information. However, I find it quite curious that such a thing has been hinted. For, in my writing: Codes of reality; What is language?, I had hinted that religious scriptures in their original text might hold more powerful codes than is currently understood. It is like the sample sentences I had given in my last post.

“Give him a glass of water”.
“Give him a plate of fried chicken”.

I have noticed that when sentences in one language are translated into other languages, there is a huge denuding of certain hidden powers. Since English language words and sentences generally do not have such powers, it might not be possible to discuss them here.

If there is any hidden power in the Bible, it might be good to check in the original Hebrew version. Hidden codes might work only in the right environment. Like the words: =rand (20, 12)

They have no meaning in themselves. However, copy them on to MS Word and press enter, and some unexpected words appear on the page. What they mean only Microsoft can explain. Not any other physicist, chemist or biologist.

Last edited by VED on Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 4734
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:32 am


Post posted by VED »

12 #. Reply to jgc56

I would have waited for at least a few days before writing this reply. However, your words ‘isolated from popular culture’ have more or less forced me to give a reply fast. Due to the possible misunderstanding these words could provoke in readers here.

Even though you have mentioned ‘Two things:’, the fact is that your reply is full of switches that can ignite discussions on various things, including culture, popular culture, education and much else, apart from Ebola, Homœopathy &c.

I had sincerely believed that this conversation had ended, as the subject matter did seem quite exhausted after the entry of Ebola into the US. I had collected my writings here and created a minor digital book, titled ‘The machinery of Homœopathy’.

Let me try to answer you as per the listing you have given.

1. I had used inverted commas on the word ‘medicine’, due to your own contention that you do not see any ‘medicine’ in an action wherein software codes do the work. Since I had postulated that Homœopathy might be working at that location, I thought it might be wise to follow your contention.

2. As to QUOTE: homeopathic treatments are more effective than placebos at preventing any illness or injury? END of QUOTE, I should mention that the words ‘preventing injury’ has not been mentioned by me. And it need not be taken up in the discussion.

There have been instances wherein I did make use of Homoeopathic preventive medicines inside my household. Once, one of the members of my household had Chicken Pox. Immediately preventive medicines were used by one member of the family who never have had this infection before. It was done because of the disarray, this infection in that individual, would bring in the household functioning. Even though the infected individual and the person who took the preventive medicines were in close contact, there was no infection in the other person.

Even though this incident can be taken as a minor fluke, it is only just one more instance in a stream of experiences with Homœopathy extending to around more than ten years. However, again I need to mention that I had reached the location of having a feeling that Homœopathy can do some level of cure through two different pathways. One was my own personal researches and observations with regard to language codes starting at least two decades back. The second was a unique opportunity to be able to use and observe the effect of Homœopathy dosages at close quarters due to building up a close contact with one Homoeopath.

3. QUOTE: Even cheaper would be NOT distributing homeopathic medicines at all, END of QUOTE. The issue here is quite tragic and at the same time funny. There seems to be no cure for a pestilence, which remarkably runs its course inside an infected person through ordinary illness symptoms like nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, Red eyes, chest pain and cough, stomach pain, weight loss &c. It may be noted that I have had the opportunity to see that Homœopathy could cure all the above sickness, without the patient taking recourse to allopathic medicines.

Now what have to be weighed are the options available. First option: Ebola can spread like wildfire through the US cities, suburbs and interiors. The infected persons can be quarantined and treated with conventional methods. With doubtful results. Moreover, if this happens, there can be breakdown of social, administrative as well as civic systems in the nation. SEE this:

The other option is to distribute Homoeopathic preventive medicines to the people. There is only a very negligible cost involved. Now, if the preventive medicines work, it is a fantastic achievement of astronomical scope. If they do not work, the expense involved may not even come to the cost of buying hundred Ebola Suits.

4. Now, I am forced to discuss a minor part from my own experiments in language codes. You have mentioned terrific words of ‘social isolation’. Here I need to categorically mention that there was no social isolation, other than the normal social codes here that people do not mingle with everyone. Before taking that theme, I will look into this QUOTE: The n-number of your subject group? END of QUOTE. Since I do not know what ‘n-number’ is, I understand that you are querying about the number of persons on whom I had conducted the experiments.

The actual fact is that I have done this experiment on a number of persons, right from my childhood. That is, I have inserted English knowledge into minute social systems and in individuals who did not inherently have English in them. I have noted that that is a very tangible change in various aspects of the individual as well as social system. I have to add here that I do use a particular term ‘pristine English’ to differentiate it from the vernacular English that is generally spoken and taught over here.

I cannot discuss the whole thing here, for it might take a huge amount of words. I would suggest that in case you have the time, to pursue it in: Shrouded Satanism in feudal languages. Now, comes the issue of social isolation. I can assure that social distance is a social reality over here, among all sections of the people. It is directly connected to the feudal content in the languages here. I would suggest you to please see this writing of mine on Telegraph: Social flight if seclusion is not possible ... -flight-2/

Now, there is the issue of, what is the local culture, does come into the picture. You can read my description of the local culture from this link: Indian culture

You can see two minor video clips that might give a non-contrived view of the local social communication

It might be mentioned that the people seen in the video are not innately bad or immoral at a personal level. In fact, most of them are good and moral. Many of them have gone to nations like GB, US etc. and do look like others from the same peninsular area domiciled in GB or US. When some of them do have the chance to arrive at official positions, or have cabins, or classy automobiles, financial acumen etc. they are able to display quite class looks and attributes.

In my case, the experiment was to see if from the same class of people, of the same genetic pool, I could create a different facial expression change for the better, by just using the planar language of English, in its finest standards.

I could prove that it was not financial acumen that really renders human potential enhancement, but rather other ambiences. I worked on my convictions that I have mentioned in my old book: March of the Evil Empires. In fact, I did arrange a specific mental ambience even before the birth of my first daughter. Moreover, after her birth I had to contain the encroachment of negative language codes. Even though when I mention this, it might be felt that I was isolating my daughter, the fact was that many persons around me collaborated fantastically. For, it was an endeavour that improved their English also beyond usual possibilities.

Due to certain reasons, my first daughter couldn’t gather good English accent in her early years. In spite of this initial drawback, the absence of negative verbal codes that have a slicing effect on human brain codes did give daughter a demeanour that was starkly different from anyone in the neighbourhood. In fact, there was a halo of a glow around her, when she was seen in close proximity to others around. In fact, many persons did remark about this. This item may not be seen as absolute from an English nation ambience. For, in English nations, all children get to be born in a more or less similar verbal ambience (which is slowly fading out in English nations).

As to my daughter being isolated, it is again a mistaken understanding. The actual fact is that she had more friends of varying age groups than others her age. If you look at this video,

you will see her first before she went to school. The initial video clips were taken in a beach side with many onlookers around. Since I had no camera at that time, we waited in the beach for around 3 hours for the person who had promised to come to take the videos came very late. The second video is a professionally done video of an English folksong, taken around four months after she joined the school. [01:33]. A stark individuality drop is visible. The third video is the initial three-minute part of a 10 minute speech she gave in a local village, wherein she was invited to speak in a public function. (She was in the 9th or 10th class then). Even though I did not see the speaking, I was told that it had been a wonderful speech. She spoke to a huge audience who were not good in English, but who quite appreciated the words. Even though, those on the dais, other than the organiser who invited her, do not seem happy about her speech. As for her, the speech was quite a tough proposition, in an unknown area, with no one to actually stand as a support for her.

My contention is that by just changing the language of any place to pristine English, that place can be changed into pristine England. And even England can be changed into the looks of any godforsaken place by simply adopting the feudal language of that place.

I went into this quite deeply due to the slight alarm caused by your words ‘isolated from popular culture’. This was one of the complaints given to the police in one of the cases connected to non-formal education and other things. However, in that case, two departments, police as well as the Social Welfare department inquired. And as per the legal decree that came supporting me, it was seen mentioned that both the enquiry reports supported the non-formal education that was being given.

The issue comes back to what is the exact level of demeanour change in the individual. It can only be measured by comparing with others around her. After joining school, the tremendous difference that had been there has faded much. In the speech, her expression does reflect the slight feudal language regimentation that bore on her from her school ambience.

In case, you need to follow up on this theme, I should mention that my books: 1.Codes of reality; Shrouded Satanism in feudal languages, may be read.

As to formal education, I do contend that it is a waste of precious years of lifetime, for most individuals. You can see a listing of the kaleidoscopic life experiences that are missed by spending long years in schools & colleges, pursuing ‘marks’ of dubious value, in this minor writing of mine:

I am sorry that the theme has gone beyond the containments of Homœopathy. However, it may be understood that in the ultimate analysis, everything is connected.

6. “=rand (20, 2). Yes, what you said is true. As far as is perfunctorily known to the common man. I mentioned this earlier to denote that even in innocent looking words, there might be hidden codes, which trigger powerful responses.

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