British sailors in Indian stinking jails!

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British sailors in Indian stinking jails!

Post posted by VED »

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British sailors in Indian stinking jails!



It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

Aug 2016

Last edited by VED on Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 4734
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:32 am


Post posted by VED »

c #
0. Intro

1. From my own life experience

2. The second background

3. At an Indian police station

4. With the Indian officialdom

5. The modern hidden aspirations versus the spirit of the law of the English times

6. Where the British sailors went into error

7. Innate levels of the Indian officialdom

8. The terror

9. The truth about the English Empire in the Indian subcontinent

10. The power in the word codes

11. Native Indian subcontinent policing

12. Back to the subject

13. Before concluding

0 #
This was part of my posting on Telegraph.UK blogsite. However, later the blogsite was taken down by Telegraph.

A group of British sailors/veterans are in an Indian jail (old news). I do not know if they have been freed, as yet. This news came to my attentions a couple of months back, even though they have been in jail for a few years now.

This was a news, which I had been expecting for quite some time. In fact, when the BPO revolution commenced, I had the gut feeling that these kinds of happening are in the offing.

‘India’ cannot be understood from pristine-English, and ‘Indians’ also cannot be understood from pristine-English. It would like one animal trying to understand another animal, whose basic mental triggers are not clear or understandable to the first animal. So much is the difference. What comes into English as ‘India’, ‘Indians’, ‘Indian entrepreneurship’ etc. are mere translated-into-English versions, in which most of the Satanism remains hidden in translation.

The very fact that Indian languages have a very evil feudal structure by which human beings can be literally flipped from a height to a stinking depth by means of a single word cannot be understood in English at all. No academic studies have been able to mention this. Even when it is mentioned, those who know it simply make fun of the contentions and lead the theme astray into disarray.

The total fault is with Clement Atlee and his insane coterie who destroyed the aspirations of millions of peoples in the Indian subcontinent, when he handed them into the enslavement and indoctrination of traditional overlords, from whom they have had around 150 years of escape.

What has happened to the British sailors have to be explained. It requires some background information.

QUOTE from TELEGRAPH: British sailors given India jail time for weapons charges on anti-piracy mission


1 #
From my own life experience

I can mention something from my own experiences. I started by schooling in a Cambridge-University certification school (I think), wherein initially the teachers and priests were more or less Anglo-Indians of the English variety. (There is the Indian variety of Anglo-Indians also. The first version has vanished from India now). However, after around after around one and half years of such schooling, the Anglo-Indian group vanished and a native converted-to-Christian priests took over the management.

It was now a different world. The earlier one was quite decent, and polite, with no vernacular, and totally absent of vernacular pejoratives for the words You, He, His, Him etc. [Nee, Avan, Aval]
At the same time, the native converted-to-Christian priests, even though they understood English, were more at home in using vernacular pejoratives for the words You, He, His, Him etc. When these words are used, the children naturally went into a pose of lower class people, who need to exhibit consistent homage and obeisance to the teaching staff and to the priests.

This is one background.


2 #
The second background

The second is that I was shifted into a local school in my fifth class in another far off local. For the first time, I got to experience the vernacular teaching quality. The teachers were rude and used terrible expletives and pejorative words in the local vernacular to the students. However, these are not profanities. Words like Nee, Avan, Aval, Eda, Edi, Enthada, Enthadi etc. were freely used to the students, who were used to such words from the very beginning of their schooling. They had no complaints. In fact, the more they were thus addressed, the more they obsequious they became.

However, I did notice that my natural mien of standing straight and answering irascible questions of the teachers, which were not aimed at yielding answers, but more for establishing a mood of dominance, was heartily disliked by the teachers. When others stood with a bowed demeanour, smiling shyly at idiotic and taunting questions by the dull-brained teachers, I would look straight with more or less the instinctive expression that the questions were not correct.

I got my first terrific beating in my eight class, when a drunkard teacher came into the room in a shouting mood and shouted out a query. I did not understand that he was not expecting an answer to the query. Since it was a query, I got up and answered. Seeing the utter foolishness of my act, all the students laughed. The ‘teacher’ went into an insane mood. Send for a cane, and in front of all the other gave me a terrific thrashing. Till this date, no sane explanation for this act can be found from an English perspective. However, in the vernacular feudal languages, there are various hidden codes of ‘respect’ and disdain to be enforced.

In my ninth class, I was admitted in another far off location, due to the shift of my household. I was sitting in the class and reading a book. I did not notice the teaching coming in. When he came in, everyone got up in the automated manner, to exhibit feudal respect. This ‘respect’ is linked to many words in the social communication. A lack of this ‘respect’ is connected to other groups of words at the lower level.

The teacher sat down, and called me. Thinking that there was something special he wanted to tell me, I made haste to go to him. When I reached him, he caught me by my ears, and slapped me on both sides of my face, in a terrible manner. As if he had gone insane.

Even though, these are the only occasions I remember being beaten or slapped in my schooling days, all of them were done by teachers in a mood literally near to homicidal mania.

However, I did notice that some of the teachers quite frankly disliked me for a demeanour that did not match the common facial expression of the other students. I remember one occasion, wherein I was sent for a private tuition to one of the school teacher’s home. Seeing me, he was literally dismayed. He said, ‘I did not know it was you.’ However, he was good in English, and he was quite nice. Later he told me, ‘I heard that you are terrible. You are nothing like that’.


3 #
At an Indian police station

Later, in my life when I lived in various places, once, I was asked by a relative to accompany him to the local police station. He wanted me to drive his vehicle. When we reached the police station, he asked me to go inside with him. He had given a police complaint against one staff of his.

At the police station, his staff member against whom he had made the complaint, had come with a small-time politician, of one of the state ruling parties. So his side had a powerful platform.

The politician stood in a mood of nonchalance. He extruded the mood that all he needed to kick the police official out of the location was just a phone call from him to the state committee of his party.

I was not a party to the case. Even then I took a slight pose of obsequiousness to the police ‘officer’. In many ways this was not enough. For one thing, the English language in my brain was one culprit. It always stood as a hindrance to me exhibiting a pose of servitude. Second was that one of my parents being a retired senior government official also did give a perspective of looking down at small-time officials.

Whatever it was, my demeanour gave out of the lie of my pretended obsequiousness. The police ‘officer’ seemed quite perturbed by my presence, even though I am quite a low-profile person. Instead of focusing on the issue in hand, he barked at a constable to question me. To the constable, who questioned me, I sincerely informed him in my natural politeness that I had nothing to do with the case. I had just accompanied a relative, who needed someone to drive his vehicle at that time. The constable slowly became quite ‘respectful’ to me.

I saw the police ‘officer’ signalling the constable to slap me. The constable went on ignoring that non-verbal command. After a brief moment of frustration, the police ‘officer’ barked at the constable, ‘What an idiot you are ? Can’t you do as I told you?’

The constable went to the police ‘officer’ and bowed to him and said, ‘My dear sir, What are you saying!’ (In exact word to word translation: My golden saar, What is saar saying!)


With the Indian officialdom

Later in my life, when I was a businessman, I found that my usual polite demeanour was quite disliked as being quite superior by the local officials. In fact, what had currency value was servitude to the officialdom and to anyone else who held some strings to any kind of power. Polite and dignified stances were seen as totally superior and seen as something that had to be crushed down.

I have even had this experience of being told this in so many words by officials. One official told me, ‘You do not know how to talk with ‘officers’.’ You talk back.’

Actually I do not retort. I generally discuss an issue in an intelligent manner. This attitude is seen as totally un-befitting that of an ordinary citizen. For, if the officials say something, one has to shake his or her head in an affirmative manner. However, the problem with Indian officialdom is that most of its members have the looks and intelligence of menial class workers of yesteryear. That is, of some thirty to forty years back, the officer class were of a different demeanour, and fully conversant in quality English. Now, the ‘officer’ class has the same level of mental standards of the earlier year menial classes. Most of them have just working knowledge in English or none at all.

This is another big problem. When persons with very limited depth in English come to positions of power, their complete mentality is based on feudal, hierarchical language codes and in an out-to-subdue mood.

When dealing with the Indian officialdom, I had this terrible issue. They had great punitive powers, enshrined in great ‘holy’ books which they pull out of their drawers. These are the Book of rules. Most of the current day laws are written by equally bird-brains.


5 #
The modern hidden aspirations versus the spirit of the law of the English times

I have seen the rules and laws of the erstwhile English rule times. There was always a reference and framework on which the laws and rules were framed. And this reference and framework was a spirit of seeking the best for the citizens. However, as of now, the rules are framed to see that the official gets the upper hand to use it indiscriminately. There is no spirit of the law. The only thing that is sought is: Did he show enough ‘respect’? Was he ‘respectful’? ‘Did he bow?’ etc.

If the answer is:

He stood there with a straight back. He did not bow. He did not exhibit the required levels of servitude. He was not obsequious enough. He did not use the word ‘Saar/Maadam’. etc., then the individual had it.

He will not get his official papers. If it is a police case, he will be beaten to a pulp. He will definitely be put into the jail, where the low-class jailers will be advised to beat him up.


6 #
Where the British sailors went into error

Now coming back to the issue of the British sailors in jail, there is a huge background to it.

First of all being British, and native-English speakers, they would have the innate feeling that they can explain their case to the concerned authorities and that their contentions would be understood. If there are any laws that come into the issue, the spirit of the law will help them.

However, these things work only in English. Yet, in feudal languages, this will work in another machinery. That of ‘respect’ versus ‘disdain’.

If the Indian school textbooks and media inform the people of the greatness of England and what all benefits they had showered on the peoples of the subcontinent, British citizens would gather ‘respect’. And what they say will be taken as divine words.

However, in India each and every textbook is teaching the citizens that Englishmen were robbers and crooks, and they robbed the ‘nation’, and the current-day poverty of the people is due to this robbing.

The second is issue is the BPO and IT revolution. Mostly a few people from the middle-class (not the super rich) got the various employment opportunities in Call Centres and in English nations. It was found that these people were ‘equal’ to the Englishmen. This was an equalisation to the lower levels of India. Persons who couldn’t even mention the word ‘You’ without proper self-degrading servitude to even a low-level Indian official was now seen to be able to address Englishmen and women as ‘equals’.

And at the same time, they were seen and known as using the pejorative forms of He, His, Him, She, Her, Hers etc. about the native Englishmen in their own native languages. This is the cunning side of feudal language speakers.

Now, the total effect of this communication code was that the local officialdom was seeing the lower level Indians mentioning the native-English as lower to themselves. That is, lower to even an Indian lower grade employee.

So naturally, the idea gets formed that British citizens, though of white skin colour, are just a sort of servant class, who had become rich by means of robbery. Since these kinds of academic nonsense are being spread even inside British classrooms, there is huge negative power in the social codes.

The British sailors came to face the Indian officialdom without knowing that in the code arena, they had been moved to a lowly location.


7 #
Innate levels of the Indian officialdom

Now, we have to see the levels of the Indian officials.

In the last thirty years or so, their salary, pension and other perks have become astronomically huge. Most of them earn a legally known monthly salary ranging between seven to fifty times the monthly salary of an ordinary citizen of India. Their pension is also huge. In fact, I know many retired officials who simply wallow in huge amounts of pension money.

They have had made much more from bribes.

They exist as a some sort of towering peaks in the midst of a huge population of very lowly paid people. The languages are so terribly feudal that the people cannot even address them without losing their own self-dignity. This is the harsh truth about India, which no self-serving Indian academician will admit.

When the British sailors face the Indian officials, the very demeanour and non-bending stature of the native-Englishmen will be like the anecdotal Red Scarf to the bull. When they use words like: Mr. Or Mrs., it will be treated as utter desecration of the’ holiness’ of the Indian officials. Most of the Indian officials can be very solemnly defined as ‘creeps’. I have had seen them at close quarters and in very intimate levels. They do not have any sense of justice or lending of dignity or of the spirit of the law. The only urge they have is: He should be crushed. What is the means for that? She should be made to cry. What is the technique for that? The words they use for the ordinary citizen of the nation are the pejorative Avan and Aval. USS.

None of these things are known or understood in England. Gullible, foolish and fooled England!


8 #
The terror

A police case is a terrorising event. Not because of the policemen alone, who themselves in most cases are unruly and low-class brutes. What actually terrorise are the huge structure of rules and laws and courts and lawyers and judges and many more, almost all of whom do not have an iota of idea as to what the spirit of the Constitution of India is. The Constitution of India is a document in English. It is the only statutory document that has wording against all kinds of discrimination, and social ‘respect’. It also stands fully for the dignity of the citizen. Yet, who is the judicial official who understands the gist of this document?

The Constitution of India in the hands of the Indian officials is like a flower bouquet in the hands of a group of mischievous monkeys.

To mention more about what is the Indian officialdom, I need to mention these things also.


9 #
The truth about the English Empire in the Indian subcontinent

It is generally mentioned that the current-day officialdom of India is a continuation of the English rule. It is not the exact truth.

Only around half of the geography of the Indian subcontinent was under the English rule, even though back in Britain, the whole area was mistakenly understood as British-India. The other half were under native rulers. Even though, in Britain, they were called erroneously as princely states, they were not ruled by any ‘princes’. They were ruled by real kings and queens.

In the English-ruled areas, the officialdom was quite good, with the officer class totally above corruption and bribes. Everything was systematic and everything worked as per the spirit of the law.

However, in the native kingdoms, the officialdom was totally corrupt and terrible. When speaking about British-India, this essential difference of quality is not really mentioned.

Even Gandhi, the utter fake ‘ freedom fighter’, was the super rich son of the prime minister of a native kingdom. He was not actually from British-India, per se.

To understand the quality of the officialdom of the native kingdoms, I am going to quote extensively from two book:

1. Travancore State Manual

2. Native life in Travancore.

The first book was written by a native official of very rare honesty and integrity

The second book was written by a Missionary from the London Missionary Society, which worked hard to improve the lot of the lower castes in Travancore. The improved populations remain an ungrateful section, who does not even want anyone to mention that their forefathers were once lower castes. That much for gratitude.

The first issue is connected to whether it is right to allow Indian officials to handle Englishmen. The honest answer to this highly cantankerous query is that Indian officials should not be allowed to deal with any people or populations. For, they are not innately ready to treat anyone with dignity other than their than their own superiors. (Yet, they are the only set up available to the people now.) This part of the answer shall remain in the dark spot for native-English speakers.

This point would take me back to the plight of the British sailors in Indian jails. I do not know in which jail they are put in. Wherever it is, the communication system will be in Indian languages. If I am not mistaken, there would be very powerful orders from above not to allow the prisoners to communicate with the jail staff in English. Or its corollary. The jail staff would be told not to speak in English. They would be told to address the British veterans in Indian languages. So they can be addressed and referred to in the pejorative. The ‘You’ will be Thoo or Nee. And the ‘He’, ‘Him’, ‘His’ etc. will be as USS or Avan. Both these words groups are in the lower levels. In the officials records, they would be mentioned in the pejorative forms of He, Him, His etc.


10 #
The power in the word codes

To understand the power of these words, I will give one more example. (I have given enough and more examples in my earlier writings here).

The Indian police constable addresses the local people as Thoo or Nee(You). It is a word that designates a level below the low-level police constables, who themselves are maintained at dirt level by the huge layers above them in the Indian police hierarchy.

The Indian police constables address their superiors, including the top levels ones as Saab, MemSaab, Maadam, App, Saar, Ungal, Thangal etc. and refers to them as UNN, Avar, Adheham, Saar, Saab, MemSaab, Maadam etc.

Suppose the Indian constables were to address their superior ‘officers’ as Thoo/ Nee, as they do address the common man in India, the top level officials will find themselves flipped from their top levels to somewhere in the stinking levels below that of the Indian constables.

Now, this is what is being done to the British Sailors. When the Indian common man is made into a stinking dirt by the Indian police constables, they wouldn’t react to it. For many of them are mentally used to this dirtification from their schools. However, the British veterans, not being used to this kind of eerie communication codes, might find the whole thing a sort of mental trauma of the nth degree.
Unless they are properly supported by, they might go berserk.

As to the common Indian citizens, they do not actually know what is good for them. They can very easily be made to become passionate with a shallow understanding of patriotism.


11 #
Native Indian subcontinent policing

Now coming back to whether Indian policemen should be allowed to deal with British citizens (original native Britons, and not the fake ones that run riot in current-day England):

A similar issue had been discussed in the 1830s. The location was the Travancore kingdom in the southern parts of the Indian subcontinent. The paramount power in the subcontinent was the English East India Company. All the various kingdoms in the subcontinent arrived in a period of historic peace and prosperity and social development under the aegis of this great company’s rule. There were no more wars and battle in the subcontinent. For the company took care of the protection of the integrity of the national sovereignty of the kingdoms.

However, the kingdoms were still independent kingdoms with their own officialdom, police, judiciary etc.

QUOTE ONE from Travancore State Manual:

To quote the illustrious writer of the article in the Calcutta Review —
“The public service from the top to the bottom consisted with few exceptions, of an army of voracious place-seekers, who having obtained their appointments by bribes, were bent upon recouping themselves a hundredfold; and peculation, torture, false accusation, pretended demands on behalf of the Sirkar, these were the instruments with which they worked out their object. ………. The courts of justice were so many seats of corruption and perversion of justice. Dacoits and marauders of the worst stamp scoured the country by hundreds; but these wore less feared by the people than the so-called Police. In short, Travancore was the veriest den of misrule, lawlessness, and callous tyranny of the worst description. The State vessel was drifting at random amidst rocks and reefs, without a chart, without a compass, with shattered sails and broken cables, and above all, without a pilot. …….”

The Rev. Mr. Baylis, a London Missionary in the Southern Division, in writing to me offering his congratulations on the improved state of affairs, describes the previous condition of that part of the country in the following words: —

During the years 1851 and 1855 and up to the time you were settled here, this part of the country was thoroughly disorganised. The Sirkar officials generally were most corrupt taking advantage of their position to fleece the people in every possible way. Cases of house-breaking and highway robbery often attended with brutal violence, were very numerous, so that the inhabitants were inconstant terror, for the perpetrators of these outrages had little fear of real punishment, having already made friends of the officials who should have been the protectors of the people, or having the means to do so. Complaints to the Police officers respecting the oppressions practised by the petty officials were generally treated with contempt and unheard.’

Now, I am Quoting from the Native life in Travancore

The Sudras in these parts, being connected with the police clerks, can get anything they like done against these poor people, who are easily cheated and oppressed.”

Insatiable greed and extraordinary cunning are displayed in the taking of bribes by the underlings; and indeed there have been times when it was said that there was scarcely an official of any grade free from this vice. Bribes are even extorted by threats of implicating the parties in charges of murder and other serious crimes, if not paid. To allow criminal complaint to be withdrawn, cloths and money are presented to the official. In criminal cases the police naick, similarly influenced, reports the charge a factitious one. An official invites people to a feast and some domestic ceremony, and gets large presents of money, ornaments, &c. Gratuitous service is demanded of work people and bandymen; if refused, charges are got up against them; or they are over punished on some real charge. Sometimes a judicial servant quietly takes bribes from both sides, but honestly returns that which he received from the losing party !

The village guards extort money and property on the slightest pretexts. Their demand for cloths, money and other goods have sometimes differed but little from highway robbery. In collecting provisions for travellers and officers on circuit, they often robbed the people of fowls, sheep, eggs, fruit, &c., or gave the merest nominal payment for the provisions.

Bribes are taken in the evening to the house of the tax assessor, begging him kindly to charge only what is right and fair and really due to the Government. The Pilleymar (writers and clerks) thus reap a harvest of bribes. Some gumasthas and others regularly earn three or four times their fixed pay.

To complain of all this unfairness, bribery, and corruption, only exposes poor and illiterate men to the getting up of false charges of the most serious character.

“The subordinate officials take advantage of any exigencies to enlist forced labour for State purposes, with an indifference to the hardships they entail on the poor, approaching to utter recklessness. The press-gang system is employed by the Granary Superintendent of Valiatory and the Nemum Police, to secure boats, and men to man them whenever required for Sirkar purposes. Every boat and every man in this parish is seized, and black mail levied from such as wish to escape this oppression.

The power of the Indian (natives of Travancore) police has too often been used to gratify petty spite, and for motives of revenge and cupidity.


12 #
Back to the subject

Even though the above quotes are about the police department in native kingdom of around 1830s and afterwards, the exact truth is that the above lines gives a candid picture of modern Indian police and administration also.

The question of what happened to the English rule set-up administration and policing will naturally come up. The answer is that when the native kingdoms were forcefully amalgamated into the newly formed Indian nations, their administrative set ups diffused into the nation. As to the English set-up administrative systems, they imploded.

Now, I need to go into the real cantankerous issue. Could native English citizens be tried and punished by that police and judiciary in the native kingdoms of the Indian subcontinent?

It is not a question that can be answered by juggling the nonsensical text of International Relations academic textbooks. It has to first encompass the information of what was the state and quality of the native kingdom policing and judiciary.

Actually this question did come up.

It came up for discussion in 1866 in connection with the trial of John Liddel, Commercial Agent at Alleppey, who stood charged with having embezzled a large sum of Sirkar money.

To understand the above case, one has to first understand the quality of the accusers.

The trial was declared by the Madras Government as illegal and as contrary to the provisions of the Proclamation of the Government of India dated 10th January 1867, issued under, and in conformity with,, 28 Vict. c. 15, with the result that Liddel’s immediate release was ordered.

Dewan Madava Row saw in an instant that the Advocate-General opinion was untenable and felt confident that he could bring about a modification of the Government’s views on the point.

In a series of very able letters he completely refuted the opinion of the Advocate-General and the decision arrived at by the Madras Government on the basis of that opinion.

His arguments rested mainly on the following four grounds —

(U The jurisdiction in question is an inherent right of sovereignty

(2 The Travancore State being one ruled by its own Ruler possesses that right

(3 It has not been shown on behalf of the British Government that the Travancore State ever ceded this right because it was never ceded, and

(4 The Governor-General’s notification did not deprive Travancore of this right, but only distributed what right the British Government had already possessed.

Actually the above words could have been mentioned by the king of Travancore in the British Courts when his kingdom was summarily handed over to Nehru and his gang of crooks. But then, when labour party came to power, Britain had literally become another location. Quite untrustworthy and treacherous.

Now coming back to the judicial rights, see this QUOTE:

Sir Madava Row sought and obtained the legal opinion of that eminent lawyer Mr. John D. Mayne then practising at Madras, who completely demolished the Advocate-Generals views and supported those of Sir Madava Row.

Now what I have interject here that there are always fools everywhere, even among native Englishmen. This eminent idiot John D. Mayne went to the extent of declaring that the Travancore Police can arrest an Englishman. The issue here is that the Travancore Police are not ‘police’ per se. They are just hooligans, organised to run the policing.

Now the same is the truth about current day Indian police and judiciary. They are not able to follow the tenets or spirits of the Constitution of India. However, they are the only organisations that are there as of now. This is what the Satan Clement Altee has done for the peoples of the subcontinent.

Now, let us move to what was done by Britain.

Modern day Britain has lost its soul. It does not know what it is or what is was or what it should be.

I am re-quoting from one of the above mentioned quotes and using it as a definition for modern day Britain:

….vessel was drifting at random amidst rocks and reefs, without a chart, without a compass, with shattered sails and broken cables, and above all, without a pilot. …….”

This many native Britons are languishing in Indian jails, just because they have a superior demeanour and dignity than is available in any Indian officials. They are atrophying in the jails. The current day British PM has no time for looking into their safety and release. He is running after a nonsense called Continental Europe. There are other populations of English nativity languishing in South Africa and elsewhere. Modern England has no time to think about them.

It has been gullible enough to enter into many a belligerence that are not native to England. Outsiders are leading the nation astray to its demise.


13 #
Before concluding

Before concluding, I need to mention one more thing:

The police and jail staff would try to make the imprisoned men learn the local vernacular. If the British prisoners learn the local language, they are done for. They would feel the full force of the local feudal vernaculars. The hammering codes in it have been used for centuries to hammer down huge populations into lower castes. No man who knows these languages and placed at their lower ends, can fend off their hammering power.

There is the history of James Scurry. He was made a servant in a native kingdom in the Indian subcontinent and made to exist at the lower end of the hammering language. He literally turned into a despoiled lower caste individual. Word codes can literally override genetic codes.

Also remember that Great Britain gives 250 million pounds as aid money to the Indian officialdom. A madness that still has no logical explanation. India, which claims to have no money to look after its people, has money to squander on space explorations.

PS: QUOTE from Telegraph: A Foreign Office spokesman said that Britain “cannot interfere in another country’s judicial process.” END OF QUOTE.

The location was a part of the English Empire. Now, what has the crooks in the British Labour Party gained?

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